Wednesday 22 October 2014

Parliament Hill shooting: One gunman dead

Ottawa police say they are investigating three shooting incidents in Ottawa, including on Parliament Hill, at the National War Memorial, and near the Rideau Centre Mall.

A uniformed soldier standing guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was shot, and gunfire has also broken out inside the Parliament buildings
CPR was performed on the soldier and he has been transported to hospital by ambulance.
Police have told reporters that one of the suspects, reportedly carrying a "large weapon," possibly a shotgun or rifle, is still on the loose, and the parliament buildings are on lockdown. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is safe and "off the hill."
One suspect is confirmed dead inside the Parliament buildings, reportedly shot by House of Commons Sgt.-at-Arms Kevin Vickers. Police say there are "numerous" shooters involved.
CBC is reporting that all military bases in Canada are currently closed to the public, in the interest of the safety of the men and women working at them.

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